If you are really concern about your skin but alas! It’s a pandemic time and you can’t get that much exposure, then this article is truly for you.
Here are 5 Natural ways to maintain healthy skin.
- ALOE VERA + COCONUT OIL = A Perfect Combo!
Aloe Vera helps to heal and protect the skin while coconut oil maintains the essential fat level. Traditionally aloe vera remains in practice to treat wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions and controls fever.
The Parenchyma tissue or the pulp of aloe vera contains 98%water and 2%other fat-soluble enzymes. The mixture of aloe vera and oil, directly absorb by skin and kept it hydrated and moisturized. It has curative approach towards tanning and burning. The mixture also has anti-inflammatory or anti-ageing effects.
How to apply?
- Take 2tbs aloe vera gel and 1tbs coconut oil.
- Make 2:1 mixture.
- Apply it for 10-15mins.
- Rinse it with lukewarm water.
- Don’t let it more than 20mins as it can cause itchiness.
Tips:-Apply and massage with aloe vera gel before going to bed.
Proper hydration helps to overcome the problem of sagging skin, flushes toxins, prevents acnes pimples, maintains pH balance of body or skin, reduces wrinkles, etc. Daily drinking of 6-8glasses of pure mineralized water improves metabolism. Also, it is medically proven that Psoriasis and Eczema can be crucially cured by proper drinking habits.
Tips: - Do not drink water while standing, drink sitting calmly.
Exfoliation of skin unclogs pores, dryness, dullness, and boosts circulation. The easily affordable and available exfoliators are scrubs and coffee. Coffee has magnificent effects of applying.
- Simply a mixture of coffee+water+sugar (best stimulator)
- Coffee+curd
- Coffee+honey
All these reduces inflammation, dark circles, removes tanning. It has Vitamin-B3 which prevents Nonmelanoma skin cancers and controls extra skin growth.
Tips: - Apply coffee 2-3times in a week.
‘A healthy diet directly promotes a healthy skin.’ Incorporate skin-friendly food in your diet, like fruits, raw vegetables, berries, nuts, broccoli, tomatoes, vitamin rich juices, etc. Although a good consumption of vitamin-c is mandatory. Must include yellow-orange and citrus fruits in your diet.
Yoga/exercises increases blood flow, rejuvenate skin cells, improves oxygen capacity and reduces cortisol level, stress level and promotes healthy skin in and out. One can do normal stretching exercises, 2-3kms jog/walk, and simple easy yoga-asana such as Anulom-vilom, Kapalbhati and 20mins meditation daily.
TAKEAWAY: - It is always better and sustainable to go for natural ways as compared to others.